Just like every geographical region, every company will have a culture. Company culture is just simply what happens when people come together to work every day. Not all company cultures are good, however, nor are they all healthy. In some cases, company culture is primarily characterized by traits like chronic tardiness, a complete lack of personal responsibility or empathy, or even vicious gossip and bullying. None of these bodes well for the future and longevity of the company. Just like good physical health, good company culture does not just simply happen. It has to be carefully built by strict adherence to good disciplines. Here are three ways to create a positive company culture.
- Praise in public, rebuke in private
No one likes being called out publicly for their mistakes. Most businesses would not take kindly to employees or former employees airing dirty laundry about the company in public, so they should also not do the same to their employees. Any problems or issues should be handled as quietly and privately as possible, but praise should be given publicly, lavishly, and often. Just remember, your employees will generally treat your customers however you treat your employees.
- Have a clear mission, vision and values statement – and follow it
No one wants to feel like they are just a small cog in a giant wheel, particularly if that wheel seems just to keep turning and turning without ever going anywhere. Employees don’t want just to feel valuable to the company, they also want to believe the company is making a valuable contribution to society. Employees who struggle to find value in their work can have a significant negative impact on your bottom line.
- Invest in your people
Companies that train, develop and support their people will rarely have to refill a position. Whey they do, however, they will often find them being quickly filled by the highest quality workers. Businesses that invest in their employees will almost invariably have employees that are equally invested in the success of the company. Not only will they take personal responsibility for filling any roles they feel compelled to vacate, but they will also generally take care to fill it with a high-quality replacement.